Perfect River


EDIT: There is a typo! The fifth panel, second bubble is supposed to say “I’m sure it’s pretty from over THERE too”. I would fix it now, but after putting this up I am in the middle of re-vamping my computer, and have yet to re install my editing software. Plus, after a relatively short search, I can’t find my external hard drive with ALL my computer stuff on it. I know it’s somewhere within 5 ft of me, so I’m not worried. Regardless, I’ll need to have that software in order to update tomorrow.

Auuggh. I am so late. 😦

At least I already have the next one scripted and roughly blocked. Perhaps I shall post that Wednesday, or at least tell myself (and you) that I am doing so. Maybe then it’ll be up by Sunday.
My whole excuse of going to one a week for quality of art and plot has done very little good. (it did help in some ways, but I could have gotten there eventually without).

So… Next update will be “Wednesday”.

Stay tuned. Maybe.